PREP User Guide  PREP Version 9.6.1
Mesh Partitioning and Load Balancing


Compute load distribution and write it to file, optionally generate block split instructions. When using the block splitter, it is advisable to first merge the blocks as well as possible. E.g. use the GMC multi-merge option.

--createLoadbalanceFile/-clb --cgnsFile <filename> --nProcesses <number> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--nProcesses -np number number of processes for which load balancing is computed
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--addVolumeWeightFactor -avwf name factor multiply weight of volume specified by block group/container with factor (> 0)
--harmonics weight number of interior cells with number of solutions
--output -o filename output file (default file name: BALANCE_<-np>PROC)
--splitBlocks -sb splitCGNS splitJournal mergeJournal [minimumEfficiency] compute block splitting into <splitCGNS> by GMC <splitJournal> and <mergeJournal>, optionally set the minimum load balance efficiency in % (0 <= [minimumEfficiency] <= 100, default 97, at a value of 0 exactly -np blocks are generated (if -np is lower than the initial number of blocks)
--unstructuredWeight -uw factor factor to weigh unstructured blocks relative to structured blocks (> 0, default 1.3)
--createLoadbalanceFile -cgns TRACE.cgns -np 8
-clb -cgns TRACE.HB.cgns -np 8 --harmonics -o BALANCE_8PROC_harmonics
-clb -cgns TRACE.cgns -np 1024 -sb split.cgns split.jou merge.jou
-clb -cgns TRACE.cgns -np 1024 -sb split.cgns split.jou merge.jou 0 -uw 1.5
-clb -cgns TRACE.cgns -np 1024 -sb split.cgns split.jou merge.jou -avwf row01 5
This task is executed on a single process.