PREP User Guide  PREP Version 9.6.1
Tasks for Special Purposes

Tasks that don't fit in one of the other categories.


This task converts a block container into a volume source. The data is read from a Tecplot ASCII file and stored in the CGNS file.

In the Tecplot file there is a zone for each volume source with the same name. For each zone one data point is allowed only. Mass flow and temperature must be defined at least. Additionally a velocity vector can be set as well as values for the turbulent kinetic energy and the turbulent dissipation rate. In the auxiliary zone data the family name of the related block group must be stated as 'FamilyName'.

--writeVolumeSources/-wvs --cgnsFile/-cgns <CGNS file> --inputTecFile/-it <Tecplot ASCII file> [--cgnsCompatibilityOff]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--inputTecFile -it filename Tecplot file for input
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsCompatibilityOff Turn off the use of the CGNS compatibility mode when using CGNS 3 (32 bit only)
--writeVolumeSources -cgns TRACE.cgns -it TRACE_volumeSource.dat

The Tecplot file for the volume source named R1_cool derived from the block group R1 with values for the mass flow, the density and the relative radial velocity would look like this:

TITLE = "Volume Sources"
VARIABLES = "MassFlow" "Temperature" "VelocityX" "VelocityR" "VelocityTheta"
ZONE T = "R1_cool", I = 1, DATAPACKING = POINT
AUXDATA FamilyName = "R1"
#Mass Flow Temperature VelocityX VelocityR VelocityTheta
0.25 300.0 0.0 24.0 0.0
For each volume source a block container with the same name must be specified.
In GMC 9.1 the volume sources can be set directly.


Reads in mole fractions from Tecplot ASCII file and writes the gas composition into the CGNS file.

This functionality is included in GMC since version 9.1. It is recommended to set the mole fractions within GMC.

--setMoleFractions/-smf --cgnsFile <filename> --inputTecFile <filename> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input
--inputTecFile -it filename input Tecplot file
--setMoleFractions --cgnsFile TRACE.cgns --inputTecFile TECPLOT.dat --cgnsCompatibilityOff
The gas species in the Tecplot file must match the gas species in the CGNS file.
Only one zone (gas composition) is allowed in the Tecplot file.
This functionality is included in GMC since version 9.1. It is recommended to set the mole fractions within GMC.


Reads nodes and their contents from a JSON file and modifies the linked nodes in the CGNS file.

--modifyNodesInCGNS/-mnc --cgnsFile <filename> --inputJSONFile <filename> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input
--inputJSONFile -js filename input JSON file
--modifyNodesInCGNS --cgnsFile TRACE.cgns --inputJSONFile nodes.json --cgnsCompatibilityOff

To modify a node in the CGNS file the related JSON set must contain four parameters, the path of the parent node, the name of the node, the label (or type) of the node and the new value. The following example changes the value of the node 'MainInlets' to 'rowO1Inlet'.

"path": "/Base#1/Component/ControlDomain",
"name": "MainInlets",
"label": "Descriptor_t",
"value": "row01Inlet",
Currently descriptors can be written only.


Perform a discrete Fourier transform to decompose the flow field at specified panels into circumferential modes (see Fourier Decompositions for the definition).

In addition, the modes are decomposed into incoming and outgoing parts. Separate files are written for each panel family.

--decompCircModes/-dcm --cgnsFile <filename> --harmonicIndex <integer> --panelfamily <name> --outputFilePath <name> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input
--harmonicIndex -hi integer specify the harmonic index (multiple of fundamental frequency)
--outputFilePath -ofp path/name specify the path of the output files
--panelfamily -pf name name of panel family on which the decomposition is computed
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--harmonicSet -hS two numbers selects a harmonic set via tuple of fundamental frequency [Hz] and IBPA [degree]
--decompCircModes -cgns TRACE.cgns -hi 0 -pf INTERUP --outputFilePath ../output/prep
writes the files prep_cd_INTERUP_Vane_000_h00.dat, prep_cd_INTERUP_Vane_000_h00_in.dat, and prep_cd_INTERUP_Vane_000_h00_out.dat containing the circumferential Fourier coefficients of the zeroth harmonic (steady/time-mean solution)