Source code for mojo.analysis.windowedFFT

windowedFFT - Perform a fast fourier transformation

Created on 11.01.2013

author: well_jn

Perform a fast fourier transformation of a real function.
You have the choice of multiple __window functions.
For no windowing use the default values of the constructor.
Choices of __window functions:


    from analysis.windowedFFT import WindowedFFT

    time = np.arange(0, 1, dt)
    myFFT = WindowedFFT(func_timeDomain = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * time), d_time = dt, window_type = 'HAMMING', window_size = 50)
    freq = myFFT.getFrequencies()
    func_freq = myFFT.getSpectrum()

Create a time array and with this a sine function.
Create windowedFFT object with this sine and the choice
for the windowing. You get the frequencies for the positive range of the FFT and
the single single-sided amplitude spectrum of the sine.


import numpy as np

[docs]class WindowedFFT: """ Class to setup a FFT with windowing to get the single-sided amplitude spectrum of a real function """ def __init__(self, func_timeDomain, d_time, window_type='FLAT', window_size=0, window_overlap=0): ''' Constructor of windowedFFTObject object. ''' self.__func_timeDomain = func_timeDomain self.__d_time = d_time self.__window_type = None self.__window_size = 0 self.__window_overlap = 0 self.__window = None self.__fft_range = 0 self.__positive_range = 0 self.setWindowType(window_type) self.setWindowSize(window_size) self.setWindowOverlap(window_overlap) def __setupSingleSidedFFT(self): """ Check if the necessary information were set by the user and calculate some additional stuff. """ self.__fft_range = self.__window_size // 2 + 1 self.__positive_range = self.__fft_range // 2 def __getWindow(self): """ Depending on the windowing string call the numpy function to get an array with values of the __window. """ if self.__window_type == 'HAMMING': self.__window = np.hamming(self.__window_size) elif self.__window_type == 'HANNING': self.__window = np.hanning(self.__window_size) elif self.__window_type == 'BARTLETT': self.__window = np.bartlett(self.__window_size) elif self.__window_type == 'BLACKMAN': self.__window = np.blackman(self.__window_size) elif self.__window_type == 'FLAT': self.__window = np.kaiser(self.__window_size, 0) else: raise ValueError("invalid __window type '%s'!" % self.__window_type) self.__window /= np.sum(self.__window) / self.__window_size
[docs] def setWindowType(self, window_type): """ Set which type of windowing you want to use. Possible choices are: - HAMMING - HANNING - BARTLETT - BLACKMAN - FLAT """ self.__window_type = window_type.upper()
[docs] def setWindowSize(self, window_size: int): """ Set the length of the used window. """ self.__window_size = window_size if self.__window_size > self.__func_timeDomain.size: raise ValueError('Window size is larger than the length of the data.') elif self.__window_size < 0: raise ValueError('Window size must be a positive integer.') elif self.__window_size == 0: self.__window_size = self.__func_timeDomain.size self.__setupSingleSidedFFT()
[docs] def setWindowOverlap(self, window_overlap: int): """ Set the overlapping of the window. """ if window_overlap < 0: raise ValueError('Window overlap must be a positive integer.') elif window_overlap >= self.__window_size: raise ValueError('Window overlap is larger than the window size.') self.__window_overlap = window_overlap
[docs] def getSingleSidedFrequencies(self): """ Get corresponding frequencies for the resulting spectrum. """ freq = np.fft.fftfreq(self.__fft_range, 2 * self.__d_time) freq = freq[list(range(self.__positive_range))] return freq
[docs] def getSingleSidedSpectrum(self): """ Compute a single-sided amplitude spectrum of a real __func_timeDomain(t) with windowing. """ self.__getWindow() idx = 0 func_freq = np.zeros(self.__fft_range, dtype=complex) while idx + self.__window_size <= self.__func_timeDomain.size: func_timeDomain_window = self.__func_timeDomain[idx:idx + self.__window_size] func_timeDomain_window = self.__window * func_timeDomain_window func_freq_window = np.fft.rfft(func_timeDomain_window) / self.__window_size func_freq += func_freq_window idx += (self.__window_size - self.__window_overlap) func_freq = 2 * func_freq[list(range(self.__positive_range))] return func_freq