Source code for mojo.jobManagement.graph.node

The class Node serves as nodes in the dependency-graph. A node owns a id,
a list of its parents, a list of its childs, its weight, its status and
a flag if the weight was already calculated. It offers a method to add a
child to the list of childs and a method to delete a parent from the list of
parents. Calculate weight calculates recursive the weight of the node.
Furthermore five int-constants for the statuses and a dictionary to print
a string instead of the value of the constant are offered

.. attention::

    Node is not intended to be used without graph!

from ...jobManagement import jobManagementData as jobConsts

[docs]class Node: """Node is a class which serves as node in a graph of dependencies between jobs. As instancevariables it saves its own id, its parents which are not done, its childs, its weight and calculated weight and its status. :param id: id of the node :param parents: list of the parentsIds :param weight: weight of the node :type id: int :type parents: list of int :type weight: int """ def __init__(self, nodeId, parents, priority=1): """A new node gets as instancevariables a nodeId, its parents, a priority, a calculated priority initialized with None and the status WAITING :param nodeId: nodeId of the node :param parents: list of the parentsIds :param priority: weight of the node :type nodeId: int :type parents: list of Node :type priority: int """ self.__id = nodeId self.__pendingParents = parents self._processedParents = [] self._childs = list() self.__priority = priority self.__calculatedPriority = 0 self.__status = jobConsts.WAITING @property def id(self): return self.__id @property def priority(self): return self.__priority @property def calculatedPriority(self): """Weight of critical path """ return self.__calculatedPriority @property def childs(self): return self._childs def getParents(self): return self.__pendingParents def setParents(self, ListOfParents): self.__pendingParents = ListOfParents parents = property(getParents, setParents)
[docs] def markParentProcessed(self, parent): """Marks the parent as processed :param parent: parent to mark :type parent: Node """ try: self.__pendingParents.remove(parent) except ValueError: pass # happens when a node was removed due to a circular dependency else: self._processedParents.append(parent)
[docs] def addChild(self, newChild): """Adds a child to the list of childs :param newChild: child to add :type newChild: Node """ self._childs.append(newChild)
[docs] def addParent(self, newParent): """Appends a new parent to the list of parents :param newParent: parent to append :type newParent: Node """ self.__pendingParents.append(newParent)
def getStatus(self): return self.__status
[docs] def setStatus(self, newStatus): """Sets a new status. The children will get the status DEAD_PARENT if the status is ERROR or DEAD_PARENT. If the status is DONE the node will delete itself from the children list of parents. :param newStatus: new status to set :type newStatus: int-const """ self.__status = newStatus if newStatus == jobConsts.ERROR or newStatus == jobConsts.DEAD_PARENT: for child in self._childs: try: child.status = jobConsts.DEAD_PARENT except RuntimeError: pass # happens when a circular dependency occurred elif newStatus == jobConsts.DONE: for child in self._childs: child.markParentProcessed(self)
status = property(getStatus, setStatus)
[docs] def calculatePriority(self): """Calculates the weight of the node and all of its children :return: the own calculated weight :rtype: int """ priorities = [x.calculatePriority() for x in self._childs] self.__calculatedPriority = (max(priorities) if priorities else 0) + self.__priority return self.__calculatedPriority