
Evaluate performance of TRACE run

Read specified TRACE residual files and evaluate duration per time step and convergence.

$ ./contrib/evaluatePerformance.py -h
usage: evaluatePerformance.py [-h] [--histogram minDeltaT maxDeltaT nBins]
                              [--save SAVE] [--saveDt] [--variable VARIABLE]
                              [--limit LIMIT] [--nSamples NSAMPLES]
                              file [file ...]

Compute performance data from residual.dat file.

positional arguments:
  file                  Specify residual files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --histogram minDeltaT maxDeltaT nBins
                        Specify minDeltaT/maxDeltaT/nBins for histogram.
  --save SAVE           Save to txt file (tab separated).
  --saveDt              Save DeltaT to Tecplot file.
  --variable VARIABLE   Variable for convergence criterion (default
  --limit LIMIT         Limit for convergence criterion (default 1e-15).
  --nSamples NSAMPLES   Number of samples for statistics (must be < number of
                        entries in file).


evaluatePerformance.py --save result.txt */output/residual/residual.dat