PREP User Guide  PREP Version 9.6.1
Aeroelasticity Pre-processing

These tasks can be used to prepare an aeroelasticity simulation with TRACE, e.g. for mapping an eigenmode from a structural mechanics computation into the CFD grid, modifying the properties of such eigenmodes in the cgns file, or computing a grind deformation corresponding to an eigenmode.


Set (add or modify) modal properties of a structural mode which is present in the CGNS file (e.g. created by the mapping task).

--modify --cgnsFile <filename> --modename <name> [optionalOption] [argument]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--modename -mn name specify the name of the mode to be modified
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--eigenmodeStatus -ems 'active' or 'inactive' specifies status of the eigenmode
--frequency -f number frequency [Hz]
-ibpa number inter-blade phase angle [degree]
--modalMass -mm number modal mass [kgm^2]
--replaceHarmonicSet two numbers specifies the harmonic set (identified by frequency and ibpa) for which modal properties are replaced or created by the modified values
--modalMotionMethod -mmm e.g. 'ModalFSI' or 'Harmonic' motion method for an eigenmode
--modify --cgnsFile TRACE.cgns --modename mode001 -f 1000 -ibpa 90
The specified mode has to be present in the CGNS file.
This task is executed on a single process.


Set the modal initial conditions of a structural mode which is present in the CGNS file (e.g. created by the mapping task). If a complex mode was mapped then the complex part is treated as a separate real eigenmode. In this case initial conditions for the two modes can be set with two arguments (see example, second line).

--initialCondition/-icon --cgnsFile <filename> --modename <name> [optionalOption] [argument]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--modename -mn name specify the name of the mode to be modified
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--modalDisplacement -mdis realPart [imagPart] initial modal displacement
--modalVelocity -mvel realPart [imagPart] initial modal velocity
--initialCondition --cgnsFile TRACE.cgns --modename mode001 -mdis 0.0 -mvel 1.0
--initialCondition --cgnsFile TRACE.cgns --modename mode001 -mdis 0.0 1.0 -mvel 1.0 0.0
The specified mode has to be present in the CGNS file.
This task is executed on a single process.


Remove all surface displacements and deformations from CGNS file.

--removeAllEigenmodes/-rae -cgns <filename> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--removeHarmonicSet specifies that along with the deformation the respective harmonic set is deleted
--removeAllEigenmodes -cgns TRACE.cgns --removeHarmonicSet
This task is executed on a single process.


Remove specified eigenmode from CGNS file (displacements and deformations).

--removeEigenmode/-rem -cgns <filename> --modename <name> [optionalOption]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--modename -mn mode name name of the mode to be removed
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--removeHarmonicSet specifies that along with the deformation the respective harmonic set is deleted
--removeEigenmode -cgns TRACE.cgns -mn mode001
This task is executed on a single process.


set mode status of all modes to 'inactive'

--deactivateAllEigenmodes/-dae -cgns <filename>
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
This task is executed on a single process.


Delete the face selection made by the task –selectFacesForFreeBoundaryCondition from CGNS file.

--deleteFacesForFreeBoundaryCondition/-dffb -cgns <CGNSFile>
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input
-cgns TRACE.cgns -dffb


Show the modal information stored in an eigenmode file (Patran or CalculiX results).

--fileInfo/-fi --eigenmodeFile <eigenmodeFile> --filetype <RPT/FRD>
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--eigenmodeFile -emf filename eigenmode file
--filetype -ft <RPT/FRD> eigenmode file type
-fi -emf eigenmodefile.frd -ft FRD


The ''mapping'' task can be used for two different purposes. One is to compute artificial mode shapes (rigid body motion comparable to torsion or bending) and store them in the CGNS file as displacements. The usual is to read eigenmodes, i.e. modal displacements, from FE-solver output files and map them on the CGNS geometry. The algorithms used in this process are described in the theory section Mapping Algorithm.

The modal displacements to be stored in the CGNS file have to be of one of the following formats:

  • Patran (file type option RPT and specify the element definition file with –elementfile)
  • CalculiX results (file type: FRD)
  • Tecplot (file type: TEC) (Only files consisting of a single zone are supported yet.)

Only surface data, i.e. displacements on a 2D unstructured mesh, is supported. Please make sure you wrote out only surfaces which align to the designated CGNS surfaces, i.e. panels and panel families, in the FE-postprocessing.

Mapping of eigenmode file:
--mapping/-m -cgns <filename> --eigenmodeFile <filename> --filetype <FRD|RPT|TEC> --modename <name> --panelfamily <names> [optionalOptions]
Generation of artificial modes:
--mapping/-m -cgns <filename> --bending/--distortion/--torsion <arguments> [optionalOptions]
Mandatory sub-options (for mapping of an eigenmode file):
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output (containing the geometry to which the eigenmode is mapped)
--eigenmodeFile -emf filename file containing modal displacements
--filetype -ft type define modal displacements file format as Patran [RPT], Calculix [FRD] or native Tecplot [TEC]
--modename -mn name name under which the displacements for the given mode are stored in the cgns file
--panelfamily -pf (list of) name(s) name(s) of one or more panel families to map the specified modal displacements on
Sub-options for artificial modes:
Exactly one of the following options has to be specified to define an artificial mode.
long option short option arguments description
--bending four numbers (amplitude, vector) compute and store an artificial bending mode with the given amplitude (in m) and translation vector
--distortion nine numbers (three vectors) store artificial distortion of blades (bump at [c] of width [w] into direction [d]), given as [dx dy dz cx cy cz wx wy wz]
--torsion seven numbers (amplitude, vector, vector) compute and store an artificial torsion mode with the given amplitude (in degree), base vector, and rotation vector
--nozzle four numbers compute and store an artificial mode representing a nozzle with the given parameters: maximum displacement (rotational: r, translational: z)and the axial coordinates of the start position, maximum displacement and the end position (in m)
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--addMode -add add mode to existing modal displacements
--amplify -amp factor amplify (i.e. scale-up) the modal displacements and depending data
--conjugate specify the read eigenmodes as conjugate complex pairs
--eigenmode -em number identifier for modal displacements to be mapped, results from the eigenmode file (only for frd and rpt files, use '--fileinfo' to determine)
--elementFile -edf file name element definition file needed in addition to the Patran file
--flip axes rotate CSM geometry by 180 degrees around the specified axes, given as [X Y Z] or [1 2 3]
--flipSurfaceNormals turn over surface normal vectors of the CSM grid, i.e. invert ordering of the nodes within the FE
--keepFixed -kf (list of) name(s) name(s) of one or more panel containers where the mapping result is set to zero
--mirror axes inverse FE-coordinates of the specified axes, given as [X Y Z] or [1 2 3]
--noAlign prevent the automatic alignment of the principal axes (i.e. leave them unsorted)
--noRotation prevent the rotation of the CSM geometry in order to fit to the specified panel families
--noShift prevent the automatic shifting of the CSM geometry in order to reconcile the center of areas of CSM geometry and specified panel family
--oldMappingAlgorithm -oma use the former implementation of NN-search and IDW for the 'MAPPING'
--phaseshiftangle -psa angle perform a phase shift [degree] on the read eigenmode
--readInterpolationMatrix -rim format string read interpolation matrix for mapping from file, format string for file name has to be given as argument
--readTransformationMatrix -rtm file name read transformation matrix and centers of area of CSM and CFD geometry from file
--simpleNearestNeighborSearch search the nearest neighbor independent of the surface normal directions
--unitLength -ul unit specify the unit of length for the CSM geometry as either [m] or [mm] (default)
--unitMass -um unit specify the unit of mass for the CSM geometry as either [kg] or [t] (default)
--verbose -v show details of what is being done
--writeCSM -wCSM [path] write Tecplot files with the read and transformed CSM geometry and the CFD panel families containing the mapped surface displacements; to redirect the output specify a path as argument
--writeInterpolationMatrix -wim [format string] write interpolation matrix from mapping to file (one file per block, format string for file name can be given optionally)
--writeTransformationMatrix -wtm file name write transformation matrix and centers of area of CSM and CFD geometry to file
--zeroDisplacementAtLargeDistance -zdad distance panelFamily1 panelFamily2 sets modal displacements to zero if the distance of a mesh node to the next FEM face is too large. Usage: -zdad <distance> <panelFamily1> <panelFamily2> ...
--inputJSONFile -js filename JSON file containing several modes to be mapped from an FRD file as a JSON array. Each array item contains dictionary items corresponding to the mapping options ('modename' (string), 'eigenmode' (number), 'analysisFrequency' (number), 'modalMotionMethod' (string), 'eigenmodeStatus' (string))

Artificial mode 'Nozzle'

For this artificial mode four parameters have to be specified (in m):

  • \({\delta}_{center}\) : maximum displacement (rotational: r, translational: z) at the center position
  • \(x_{start}\) : axial coordinate of the start position (in m)
  • \(x_{center}\) : axial coordinate of the maximum displacement (in m)
  • \(x_{end}\) : axial coordinate of the end position (in m)

The following functions are used to define the outline of the nozzle. For \(x < x_{Center}\)

\begin{equation} {\delta} = +/-\frac{1}{2} {\delta}_{center} \left(1 + \cos\left(\pi * \frac{x_{center} - x}{x_{center} - x_{start}}\right)\right) \end{equation}

with \(x > x_{Center}\)

\begin{equation} {\delta} = +/- \frac{1}{2} {\delta}_{center} \left(1 + \cos\left(\pi * \frac{x - x_{center}}{x_{end} - x_{center}}\right)\right)\\ \end{equation}

The sign of the displacement depends on the normal vector of the related panel family. It is positive if the normal vector points in positive radial direction.


Mapping of eigenmode from Tecplot file:

--mapping -cgns ROTATIONAL.cgns -emf row01Hub_Wall.cplx.dat -ft TEC -uL m -mn ModeXXX -pf row01Hub_Wall row01Hub_cooling -amp 0.004 --flipSurfaceNormals -wCSM ../output

Mapping of eigenmode from frd file:

--mapping -cgns TRACE.cgns -emf twoMode_DISP.frd -ft FRD -em 2 -mn mode000 -pf row01Blade_Wall_ps row01Blade_Wall_ss

Mapping of eigenmode from rpt file:

--mapping -cgns TRACE.aePrePro.cgns -pf R4_BLADE -emf Turbine_Blade_Freestanding_modes1_2_w_tip.rpt -ft RPT -em 1 -edf Turbine_Blade_Freestanding_elements.dat -mn Mode -amp 1.e-1

Mapping with phase shift angle:

--mapping -cgns clock.cgns -pf 1oclock -emf midnight.dat -ft TEC -ul m -mn wavingClock -psa 30 -amp 2.

Artificial bending mode:

--mapping -cgns TRACE.linear.cgns --bending 0.0001 1 1 0 -pf SOLID_BLADE -mn mode000 -lb BALANCE

Artificial torsion mode:

--mapping -cgns TRACE.cgns --modename torsion --panelFamily blade0 -psa 45. --torsion 0.1 0.334456 0.448989 15.9025 0. 0.448989 15.9025

Artificial nozzle mode:

--mapping -cgns TRACE.cgns --modename nozzle --panelFamily row01Hub_Wall row01Tip_Wall --nozzle -0.005 0.8 0.815 0.85
You can specify the parameters and panel families for only one eigenmode - modal displacement at once. If a mode with the specified mode name already exists, PREP will throw an error.
The default unit of length for the mode file input is [mm] and the default unit of mass is [t]. You can specify [m] as unit of length and/or [kg] as unit of mass by using commands listed above. Within the mapping, deformation or any postprocessing all units and measurements are conform to the SI base units.
This task can be executed in parallel.


Perform mesh deformation for given modal displacements.

To compute the deformed mesh, i.e. to distribute a single set of modal displacements per blade family over the 3D mesh, specify the combination of displacements, panel families and parameters via --modename name.

--deformation/-d --cgnsFile <filename> --modename <name> [optionalOptions]
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input and output
--modename -mn name name of eigenmode for which the deformation is performed
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--addHarmonicSet specifies that the deformation will be added as new harmonic set
--deformationTolerance -dt number set tolerance value for the correction of the deformation result (default: global tolerance)
--DirichletBoundaryConditions -dbc use Dirichlet boundary conditions on all solid panels
--freeBoundary -fb name specify a panel family where free boundary conditions are to be used
--releaseEntryExit -ree allow deformation at entry and exit panel in azimuthal direction
--terminationCriterion -tc specify relative termination criterion for GMRES algorithm (default value is 1.e-5)
--volumeWeightingExponent -vwe number specify exponent for weighting of inverse cell volume in mesh deformation between 0 (no volume weighting) and 1 (default), can be used if deformation with full weighting does not converge
--writeDeformedGrid -wdg file name(s) Triggers output of the deformed grid. Specify an output file for the real part of the deformed grid and in case of a complex deformation a second for the imaginary part; existing files will be overwritten.
--DirichletOnPeriodicBoundaries -dpb use Dirichlet boundary conditions on all periodic boundaries for deformation
--deformation -cgns TRACE.linear.cgns -mn BendingMode
writes deformations (2D and 3D) as flow solution into TRACE.linear.cgns, deformed grid is not written
--deformation -cgns ROTATIONAL.cgns -mn ModeXXX --releaseEntryExit --writeDeformedGrid ../output/ROTATIONAL.deformed.real.cgns ../output/ROTATIONAL.deformed.imag.cgns
writes real and imaginary parts of deformed grid into specified files, the mesh at inlet and outlet boundaries may be deformed
Surface displacements have to be present in the CGNS file, they can be written using the mapping task.
This task can be executed in parallel.


Select faces from panel families which will not receive a mapped surface deformation but are marked for a "free" (Neumann) boundary condition for the mesh deformation. The faces are selected by providing a point list file (-plf). If the distance between a face and the nearest point from the provided point list is smaller than a predefined tolerance (-r), the face is selected for a Neumann boundary condition. The panel families for which this procedure should be considered (-pf) and the point list file type (-ft) must also be specified.

--selectFacesForFreeBoundaryCondition/-sffb -cgns <CGNSFile> -ft <RPT/FRD/TEC> -pf <panelFamilies> -plf <pointListFile> -r <radius>
Mandatory sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--cgnsFile -cgns filename CGNS file for input
--filetype -ft RPT/FRD/TEC point list file format
--panelfamily -pf all relevant panelFamilies all panel families which should be considered
--pointListFile -plf the point list file file which contains the point list
--radius -r a number the tolerance value for the distance between points and faces
--readTransformationMatrix or --noTransformationMatrix -rtm or -ntm reads transformation matrix and CSM and CFD geometry centers of area from file or use none (.ntm)
Optional sub-options:
\( \)
long option short option arguments description
--unitLength -ul m/mm specify the unit of length for the CSM geometry as either [m] or [mm] (default)
--writeCSM -wCSM writes Tecplot files with the read and transformed CSM geometry and the CFD panel families containing the mapped surface displacements; to redirect the output specify a path as argument
-cgns TRACE.cgns -sffb -plf Line.dat -ft TEC -r 0.001 -pf row01Tip_Wall -rtm transformation.dat -ul m