TRACE User Guide  TRACE Version 9.6.1
Control file syntax

TRACE control files contain commands that are structured in the following way:

<domain> <iteration> <command> [argument...]
domainSelect if the command is valid globally or only applied for a part of the setup.
iterationDetermine when the command will be executed.
commandSelect the command.
argumentPass arguments to the selected command if applicable.

One command can be written per line. Lines can be commented out by adding a # as the first character of the line.

Choose domain

The following keywords are available for choosing a domain:

Keyword Description
all The complete setup
component <component index> A component by index
stage <stage index> A stage by index
group <group index> Group of blocks by group index
blockGroup <block family name> Name of a block family
block <block index> Block specified by index (0 based)

A block can be assigned to a group using the control file command:

block <block index> group <group index>

The group index can be choosen freely.

It is advised against using the block command, as the block index may change splitting the test case.

Choosing the execution time

The control file syntax supports choosing the time of execution relative or absolute.

Absolute in this context means the given timestep is the actual timestep of the solver. In case of a restart settings made in the past are applied anyways. Absolute commands are issued using the timestep keyword, e.g.:

<domain> timestep 42 <command> [argument...]

Relative commands are always relative to the (re)start of a simulation. For relative commands the keywords iteration and immediate are available, e.g.:

<domain> iteration 3141 <command> [argument...]
<domain> immediate <command> [argument...]

immediate is equivalent to iteration 0.

Timesteps and iterations are zero based.

It is inadvisable to mix relative and absolute time commands
The "periodic" time keyword is no longer supported since TRACE 9.2.
Single commands can have restrictions when the command is allowed.


all immediate ChgEntropyFixLHS 0.01
block 5 iteration 3 EnableOptiWF