TRACE User Guide  TRACE Version 9.6.1
Large eddy simulation (LES)

Different models for the subgrid stresses are available. Due to the spatial filtering, the models below all use the cell size

\begin{equation} \Delta = V^{\frac 1 3} \end{equation}

determined by the cell volume \(V\).

Smagorinsky model

The Smagorinsky model is implemented according to [51] . It relates the subgrid eddy viscosity to the norm of the strain tensor via

\begin{equation} \mu_T = \rhobar (C_s \Delta)^2 \sqrt{2S_{ij} S_{ij}}. \end{equation}

The constant is given by

\begin{equation} C_s = 0.17. \end{equation}

Wall adaptive local eddy viscosity (WALE) model

The WALE model is implemented according to [39] . Like the Smagorinsky model it determines an eddy viscosity locally from resolved quantities.

\begin{equation} \mu_T = \rhobar (C_w \Delta)^2 \frac{(S_{ij}^d S_{ij}^d)^{\frac 3 2}}{(S_{ij} S_{ij})^{\frac 5 2} + (S_{ij}^d S_{ij}^d)^{\frac 5 4}} \end{equation}

The WALE tensor is given by

\begin{equation} S_{ij}^d = S_{ik} S_{kj} + W_{ik} W_{kj} - \frac 1 3 \delta_{ij} (S_{nm} S_{nm} - W_{nm} W_{nm}) \end{equation}

and the constant is

\begin{equation} C_w = 0.5587. \end{equation}

This constant is computed from the relation

\begin{equation} C_w^2 = \alpha C_s^2 \end{equation}

with \(C_s = 0.17\) as in the Smagorinsky model. The factor \(\alpha\) is the average of Table I in [39] .